Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Changing Color Brightness: Simple VB Code


 Private Function ChangeColorBrightness(clrIn As Color, brightnessChange As Single) As Color
        Dim snrgb(), i6Y, bb, br As Single

        snrgb = {clrIn.R, clrIn.G, clrIn.B}
        i6Y = 0.299 * snrgb(0) + 0.587 * snrgb(1) + 0.114 * snrgb(2)
        bb = 0.492 * (snrgb(2) - i6Y)
        br = 0.877 * (snrgb(0) - i6Y)
        i6Y += brightnessChange
        snrgb(0) = Math.Clamp(i6Y + 1.14 * br, 0, 255)
        snrgb(1) = Math.Clamp(i6Y - 0.395 * bb - 0.581 * br, 0, 255)
        snrgb(2) = Math.Clamp(i6Y + 2.033 * bb, 0, 255)
        Return Color.FromArgb(clrIn.A, snrgb(0), snrgb(1), snrgb(2))

  End Function

Naturally, a large enough absolute value for brightnessChange to force clamping will color-shift, with pulls toward white or black. This blog does not suggest this function is compliant with any standard. 


All code is presented "as is," and is free to use without constraint.

Changing the brightness of a pixel by taking the R, G, and B values, and multiplying them by the same number will cause a color shift. RGB can't work that way because each channel varies in luminance with respect to the other. Blue has less luminance full-scale and changes less as compared with green. Red is in between. 

In the program screencap pictured below, I use color-retaining brightness shifts when drawing balls. The balls pictured below have three radial-gradient stops: normal color, color with brightness plus 20, and color with brightness plus 50.  

The function I've listed above will: 1) change the color description from RGB a different "color space" that has luminance as a value; 2) change that luminance value by a parameter; 3) recombine the RGB values from the other color space and return that. 

Brighten stuff, darken it, go ahead! Own it. 😀