I thought it would be useful for those who need to scale WriteableBitmaps in Visual Basic using UWP to have a function that does this stuff. ((As if searches for this very subject would lead here. In reality this does not exist.)) If you're not used to BitmapEncoders, like me, they may seem kind of complicated. For instance you don't collect the data, it waits in the object to be plugged into something using a third party object after the work is done. But it works.
You have to include Windows.Graphics.Imaging namespace.
Code 6-1-2019:
Private Async Function WBToSizedWB(wbIn As WriteableBitmap, scaleX As Single, scaleY As Single) As Task(Of WriteableBitmap)
Dim MemoryStream1 = New InMemoryRandomAccessStream
Dim Encoder1 As BitmapEncoder = Await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.BmpEncoderId, MemoryStream1)
Dim bt2() As Byte
Dim PixelStream1 As Stream = wbIn.PixelBuffer.AsStream
Dim outPWidth, outPHeight As Integer
outPWidth = scaleX * wbIn.PixelWidth
outPHeight = scaleY * wbIn.PixelHeight
ReDim bt2(PixelStream1.Length - 1)
Await PixelStream1.ReadAsync(bt2, 0, PixelStream1.Length)
Encoder1.SetPixelData(BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, BitmapAlphaMode.Straight, wbIn.PixelWidth, wbIn.PixelHeight, 75, 75, bt2)
Encoder1.BitmapTransform.ScaledHeight = outPHeight
Encoder1.BitmapTransform.ScaledWidth = outPWidth
Await Encoder1.FlushAsync
Dim wb1 As WriteableBitmap = New WriteableBitmap(3, 3)
Await wb1.SetSourceAsync(MemoryStream1)
Return wb1
End Function
Private Function WritableBitmapToSoftwareBitmap(wbIN As WriteableBitmap) As SoftwareBitmap
Dim SoftwareBitmap1 As SoftwareBitmap = New SoftwareBitmap(BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, wbIN.PixelWidth, wbIN.PixelHeight)
Return SoftwareBitmap1
End Function
Felix the Cat 1914 |